Page 75 - Carrollton 1999
P. 75

“Don’t  let  others
                                                      rule your choices in

                                                                                        “Your  joy  is  your  sorrow
                                                                                        And  the  selfsame  well  frorj
                                                                                        which  your  laughter  rises  wai
                                                                                        oftentimes filled with your tears
         “When  you  love  you  should                                                  And how else can it be?
         not say.  “God is in my heart,”                                                The  deeper  that  sorrow  carve)
         but rather,  “I am in the heart                                                into your being, the more joy yoi
                                                                                        can  contain  ...  When  you  art
         of God.”
                                                                                        joyous, look deep into your hear
         And think not you  can direct
                                                                                        and you shall find it is only tha
         the course  of love,  for love,  if                                            which has given you sorrow tha
         it  finds  you  worthy,  directs                                               is giving you joy.
         your course.’’-Kahilil Gibran                                                  When  you  are  sorrowful,  lool
                                                                                        again  in  your  heart,  and  yoi
                                                                                        shall  see  that  in  truth  you  art
                                                                                        weeping for that which has beei
                                                                                        your delight.’’-Kahilil Gibran

                                                Cristin Daniela Aguilera
                                                        May 3,  1981

                                                      “W ith  time  all  of
                                                      your  questions  will
                                                      become  answers”-
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