Page 87 - Carrollton 1999
P. 87

Nicole Garcia
                                                          March 4,  1981
                                                             Miami, FI.

       “Love  is  patient;  love  is  kind;  love  is  not
       envious or boastful or arrogant or rude ... It                                   “What  lies  behind  us  and  wi
      bears all things, believes all things, hopes                                      lies  before  us  are  tiny  matt
      all  things,  endures  all  things.  Love  never                                  compared to what lies within ij
      ends.”                                                                                      - Oliver Wendell Holrj
                      - 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 7-8

                                                                                              “Life is like the movies
              ‘T o   deny  change  .is  to  deny
                                                                                              ...  we  produce  our
              the only single reality.”
                                                                                              own show ...  ”
                             - Albert Camus
                                                                                                    - Francis Bacon
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