Page 98 - Carrollton 1999
P. 98
It I would be good even if I All through the
Id nothing night I’ll be
It I would be good even if I standing over you
Lt the thumbs down All through the
11 would be good if I got night I’ll be
id stayed sick watching over
11 would be good even if I you
lined ten pounds and through bad
dreams I'll be
It I would be fine even if I right there, baby
ent bankrupt Holding your
It I would be good if I lost my hand, telling you
air and my youth everything is all
It I would be great if I was no right
nger queen And when you cry
It I would be grand if I was I’ll be right there
bt all knowing Telling you you
were never any
It I would be loved even thing less than
men I numb myself beautiful
It I would be good even when So don’t you worry
pm overwhelmed I’m your Angel
It I would be loved even standing by
(hen I was fuming -Jewel
it I would be good even if I
as clingy
Lt I would be good even if I
st sanity
it I would be good
ether with or without you
mis Morissette
Dear Elena E.,
Well, I was going to put you on my ad
page when I came to the awful aware
ness that I don’t have any pictures of
you (for those of you who are reading
this, take my advice and always take
pictures, no matter how much you
hate them). Sure, you’re in it, but not
in a way that would make you stand
out as you very much should. So, I
decided to do the next best thing, and
this would be it. You’ve gone to Car
rollton for years and years and are
still to many people part of this class,
even if you did move away. You know
what's funny about us? Even though
you live in El Salvador with a great
group of people that I am so glad that
you have with you, our friendship
continued to grow long after you were
gone into a sisterhood that will never
be replaced, proving that old cliche
that love knows no bounds. You were
with me through every significant as
well as frivolous moment at Carroll
ton. You taught me so much and I’ve
always looked up to you, and as well
that I should because you are a beau
tiful, funny, intelligent, and indepen
dent woman that has marked the Alejandra Marin
lives of everyone who’s known you. I
miss you so much. Here’s to U2, New Feb. 6, 1981
Years traditions, the Great Potato,
dramatic airport scenes, and cheese
cake. I love you to pieces.