Page 140 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 140

 . , , Since everything is
Pope Francis, Laudato Si
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today's problems call for a vision capable o f taking into account every aspect o f the global crisis, - i : ; : r i i c b dearly respects its human and social dimensions.
SomeofthewaystheCarrollton communiy „ n g fcr Gorl's .r»ironraenl. In fc t
responsibility between human beings and nature."
its commitment Goal III is by raising social awareness, helping those in need and 2019-2020schoolyearisTerraMater.CarolRecicare>rplarns,Inspiredbythe
Sixth Grade stiidt;,,..,. I , ........ C,r „ p i , o '
I * . 2019.2020 school year: Terr. M .lor With Latir. to Pope Francis' encydic.l le tt, Laod.lo Si in which he di,c„ss.s the 'r.I.tionship o f mrrtuJ

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