Page 138 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 138

 NTHS TheN.t,on.lTechnic.lHo»So«^^^
k’" ' ' f TM » d hNo.ember, li.e NTHS helped sponsoj^, Corner, buzzed and including Nastasja Robaina an
' I f om the class o f'09, who worked at Magic Leap and Gabiela Lee, S s of In December, the NTHS sponsored an Hour of Code for t^o entire Upper School during assembly and participated in the Spirit
of G iv S ' =ale selling bracelets for Watts of Love, an
distributes solar light to those who do not have access to light. The N
had a great year thanks to the leadership of Alexandra von der Goltz 20,
NTHS President.
The Rebecca II Project
In 1818, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne travelled across the Atlantic Ocean from France to the New World aboard the Rebecca. She would go on to Start the first free school west of the Mississippi and oversee the growth of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States. To honor Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Intermediate, Junior High, and Upper School students are building the Rebecca II, an autonomous boat that will trace her journey back to France. This year they converted an old kayak into a battery-powered motorboat navigable by remote control. Next year the students plan to add solar panels and GPS to make the transatlantic crossing possible.
Solar Car
After CarrollSUN s dominating performance at FGCU last year, they set their sights on a new national competition in Fort Worth, Texas. Students across many grade levels researched components, developed prototypes, and raised thousands of dollars to build their car from scratch. The national competition scheduled to take place in July 2020 but needed to be postponed to next year due to C O V ID -19. Solar car students are excited for the extra opportunity: to further test their car and re-engineer for success in 2021. '
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