Page 197 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 197

 ' "T 'T r 7 ' '°°' ‘^>P St.Augustine,graduation from Junior H,g , and the sacrament Conf,rmat,on. During this sacrament, the confirmandi receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and are called to be
soldiers of Chnst_Mhough the Eighth Grades had to postpone their Confirmation this year due to Covid-19, they were able to show that they are ^deed soldiers of Christ through their fortitude and faith during this uncertain time. Before the students transitioned to virtual learning they chose a Confirmation Saint to guide them in their journey and completed a project about them. The Eighth Graders will continue to aspire to be models of holiness like their chosen saints as they look forward to their Confirmation day.
- Kaitlin Johnson '24
I'm thankful for...
m thankful for the teachers because they have tried their best to be there for us during this time"
- Andy Pulido -
n thankful for being able to wake up in good health and still receiving an education"
- Kaia Heath -
"I am thankful for all my friends, my family, and our Carrollton community." _______
►I ^i) !C175-1317
The Feast o f St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Mass
Video tribute video to the seniors presented at the Mass

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