Page 198 - Yggdrasil 2020
P. 198

 Staying true to Goal II
By Valentina Gomez '23 and Victoria Toledo '23
How each Carrollton School has continued its cor^mitment to the education o f young girls in these unprecedented times.
Carrollton students began the 2019-2020 school year with high hopes and enthusiasm, just like every year. They env^ioned a
c o L le te year, where they would enjoy activities, while growing in Z T d u c L . However, on March 13, 2020 the schoo year was ofFiciallycutshortduetotheCovid-19outbreak Theobstaclesthe Carrollton community faced did not stop the students comrrjitmen to learning consistent with Goal II - 'a deep respect for intellectual
Montessori and Primary educators were particularly challenged - having to teach students as young as three. These girls are not old enough to understand what is going on, and are not accustomed to the technology as older students are. Montessori and Primary School Director, Mrs. Consuegra explained, "O u r Primary teachers have been teaching synchronously since the 2nd week of remote learning in their core subjects - they are online every day with their students. The encore classes started later and not to their full schedule but a lighter schedule and also synchronous." She continued, "Montessori has had the greatest challenges
because ofthe age ofthe students we teach and the parents having to be so involved since the students are so little. We have been teaching a combination o f synchronous and asynchronous and it is working for our students."
Second Grade teacher, Mrs. Jones wrote, "Virtual learning has definitely pushed and propelled me to learn technology quickly. Professionally, it has challenged me to think out o f the box and
be quick on my feet so that 1can make virtual learning relevant, challenging and all the while implementing the Second Grade curriculum." Mrs. Jones continued, "Goal II can be seen every day when they sign in to our classroom. It has drawn out a thirst for learning and to find alternative ways to be critical novel thinkers.,. Goal II has revealed itself by the way I continuously look how 1can
inspire my students and how I can enrich their new learning environment." While the change initially brought some setbacks, it came with other benefits. Third Grade teacher, Mrs. Connett elaborated, "Many of my students have become
more independent and learned to collaborate more effectively. Their technology skills have radically improved and they have
learned to problem solve their own tech issues."

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