Page 316 - Carrollton 2011
P. 316
Dear Alexandra,
The day we found out that you were a girl was one o f the happiest
days of our lives. We already had Philipp and at that moment there
was nothing we wanted more than a girl. You have been a true gift
for all of us and there isn 7 a day that goes by that we don 7 thank
God for the woman you are. We could name all the many things that
make you special but that would only embarrass you; and that, is
one of the things that is so endearing about you. As you embark on
this new journey we want to wish you every success and happiness in
everything you do. Life is an adventure. We hope you dance all the
way through it......
Remember, we will always be here for you.
We love you more than we could ever put into words.
Mama, Papa, Philipp, Oma, Opa and Abuela