Page 95 - Carrollton 2011
P. 95


                                                         Presidents: Lauren  Rangel and Christina Fernandez
                                            Isabella Almeida.  Kirstin Arbide. Julia  Ballle, A m anda Betancourt, Chelsea Blanco.
                                          Rachel  Blanco, Taylor Borden, G abriela Bruce, Helena Buitrago, O livia Bullard.  Andrea
                                        Casanova, Jacqueline Castro. Natalia Cervoni. Ashley C raythom e, Tessa  Danguillecourl, Mary
                                        Grace Darmody.  Maria del  Barrio Coca, Cam illa Di  Persia. Beatriz Dunoyer, A lexandra Fields,
                                         Shizuno Furuya. Anna  Hoskinson.  Suzanne Hoskinson. Camille Labrador,  M adison Marlell,
                                        K ri/ia M endez,  Isabel  M endia, M ariana  M endia, Victoria M ontero,  Isabel  Narea,  M arta Ojeda.
                                             Isabella Prio, Sofia  Ramos.  Megan Rickborn.  M ieaela Rionda. Laura Rodriguez,
                                                            C atherine  Roen. Jessica Ross. Alina Zerpa

                                                                    P U TTIN G  T H E
                                                                 PIECES TO G ETH ER

                                                            Club President:  N icole Herrera
                                       Sofia Campo, Andrea de Varona,  M adison  Gonzalez, Andrea Gonzalez-
                                            M ora.  Isabella Jimenez,  Rebeca Jimenez, L illia n  Loys,  M yriam
                                                              Sitterson, G abriella Sugranes

                                                                 S A N D W IC H E S   FOR
                                                                        SM ILE S

                                                          Club President: A nnalury Villasante
                                            E m ily Arencibia, V ictoria Bram billa,  Isabella Calpakis, Amada
                                         Echeverria,  Stephany Leal.  N icole  Marcos,  Dolores Sanchez-Morey,
                                            Anouk Thevenin, T iffany V irgin,  N ina Vorobieva, A lia h  Young

                                                               S M IL E  FOR A  C H IL D

                                               Club Presidents:  H ailey Russell  and Stephanie A rencibia
                                        Gabriela Gonzalez.  Ryley Gregorie,  Megan Nardo, G abriella Pelayo,
                                                                      Kiera Russell

                                                                     T O D A Y  FOR
                                                                     T O M O R R O W

                                                         Club President:  Valentina Cham orro
                                                          G abriela Granda, M ichelle Robelo
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100