Page 76 - Carrollton 1972
P. 76

0 i t  t  3 that am ike.  captain of. a iidjg k ittle  tkip,
                             Of a tkip that goet  a-tailing on Ane pond;
                         And mg tkip i t  keep*  a-iwrninn a il anound and a il about,'
                         Bui unen jm  a lix tle  olden,  j  thall  find ike tecnei out
                             How io  tend mg veAAei tailing on beyond,

                         Fo/i 0 mean io g/tow  o a   little   a d   ike dollg ai ike helm,
                             And ike doJObg 3 intend io  come alive;
                         And wLik him betide  io  kelp me,  i t 11  a-tailing 3 thall go,
                        3 i't  a-tailing on ike waie/i,  unen ike lo lly  bnee^et  blow
                            And ike  vetted goet  a divierdivierduive,

                         0 i il t   then  u ou 'll tee me tailing iknougk ike nutket and ike needt,
                            And youlJuL kean ike waien tinging at ike pnow;
                         Fon betide ike dollg tailon,  3'm io  voyage and  explone,
                         To  land upon ike itland wkene no  dollg wat  befone,
                            And io  fine ike penny cannon in. ike  bow,                                      73
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