Page 76 - Carrollton 1972
P. 76
0 i t t 3 that am ike. captain of. a iidjg k ittle tkip,
Of a tkip that goet a-tailing on Ane pond;
And mg tkip i t keep* a-iwrninn a il anound and a il about,'
Bui unen jm a lix tle olden, j thall find ike tecnei out
How io tend mg veAAei tailing on beyond,
Fo/i 0 mean io g/tow o a little a d ike dollg ai ike helm,
And ike doJObg 3 intend io come alive;
And wLik him betide io kelp me, i t 11 a-tailing 3 thall go,
3 i't a-tailing on ike waie/i, unen ike lo lly bnee^et blow
And ike vetted goet a divierdivierduive,
0 i il t then u ou 'll tee me tailing iknougk ike nutket and ike needt,
And youlJuL kean ike waien tinging at ike pnow;
Fon betide ike dollg tailon, 3'm io voyage and explone,
To land upon ike itland wkene no dollg wat befone,
And io fine ike penny cannon in. ike bow, 73