Page 159 - Carrollton 2013
P. 159

Pabcai CelcMcmcoM-

                         P op e Francis I addresses th e  fa ith fu l in St. Peter's S quare o n  Easter Sunday.

              The  Hiqh School choir,  Les Choristes joined the Sistine C hapel Choir in St. peter s Square
              for Easter Sunday Mass celebrated  by newly elected  Pope Francis I. The choir s nine-day
              pilgrim age to Italy also included choral perform ances and Masses in  Florence, A ssisi,
              and  Rome, the "Eternal City."

               •hoir M em bers- Ashley Alvarez,  A m a n d a   B eta ncou rt, C helsea  B lanco,  R achel B lanco, C a c h a y  Byrd, Sofia
               S a f a   C a m ila C o n e s a   R e b e c c a  C orbishley,  Isabella d e  la G u a rd ia ,  Beatriz D unoyer d e  Segonzac.
               Christine  Estime, S tefanie Fernandez, Shinuzo Furuya, Serena  Hill,  M aria
               uchsinqer  C la u d ia   Luedeking,  A lessandro Luedeking, Francesca Luhn-H ernandez.  K atherine ILute,  Emi i
               Aartinez  S a m a n th a  M e lcho r, Isabel M e n dia,  V icto ria  M on te ro,  Isabel  N a rea  D aniella  ppa c h o n ' ^ J ® ^ r!® rn  ’
               hPlbv Phillies  Em m a  Poliak  M e g a n   Poliak,  Emilita  Pupo, A le xa n d ra   R obelo,  C a th e rin e  Roen.  N a ta lie Salman,
                                           S ousa Laura Trem blay, C a m ila  Villa, a n a  R achel W  m
               Mexa Brunet, M ia C e fa lo ,  C aitlyn M e a g h e r,  Cristina  M en en dez,  Christina  Fernandez,  a n d  Tatiana Vierm a.
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