Page 316 - Carrollton 2013
P. 316

Ale Luedeking   Brighitte Luedeking   Francesca Lukin   Caitlyn Meagher   Victoria Mdntero   Megan Nardo
       Most Outspoken      Most            Most           Biggest         Most           Biggest
                        Unforgettable   Key Biscayne    Swee t Tooth   Easily Amused  Social Butterfly

        Melissa O ’Brien   Marta Ojeda                                Gabriella Pelayo   Daniela Perez
           Biggest     Most Glamorous                                 Biggest Heat Fan  Most Sarcastic

                        Melissa Prieto   Kristy Reyno   Julia Rodriguez   Catherine Roen   Calalina Ruiz
                          Best Noils   Most Easygoing    Biggest       Funniest Last     Edgiest
                                                        Perfectionist    Nam e

                                        Aryeife Sicloii   Rosana Smith   Marieilsiq Sornrjril&a   Alessandro Sousa   Julie Slnii ilx tu
                                       //ost Carrollton  Most Broadway  Biggest Latina  Quirkin';!      Biggest
                                                                                                      Want ii it a - Hr

                      Gc&rieite Triwnpson              Cara Vazquez   Kalliyrt vldaufreln   Katherine vidnalui   And)art Yntjni
                         Most Hipster                 t/o st Adventurous  Best Hanciwrllhug  Healthlmil  Best 11 nigh

                                                  &               This /eat, the yearbook tearo woikeel wllli
                                                                  the senior class in the production o!  II in
                                         von                      Superlatives pu<ye,  fhe class was <isker I

                                                                  to vote fof a person tees) sulleri lot  end]
          Mwa verpa     tAorteo lw \ Ik                           superlative through a series <>\ surveys
          &St Bioggei      Mod
                        Social t/,ed ' i
   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321