Page 352 - Carrollton 2013
P. 352
2012-2013 Varsity Basketball Team: Julia Batlle, Coach Davis, Alex McDonnell, Carolina Fernandez -
Recipient of Most Improved Player Award, Sofia Ramos - Recipient of Most Valuable Player Award,
Coach Christopher, Roxy Suarez, Mercy Kim, Coach Jay, Cristina Guruceaga, Jane Ingram-Noel -
Recipient of Coach’s Award. Not pictured are Gaby Cort-Camp and Elisa Bajandas.
“Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath.”
- Wilt Chamberlain
We face d Goliath m any times during this season and regardless of the outcom e,
our Lady Cyclones and their coaches epitomized grace under pressure.
Thanks for everything and GO Cyclones!