Page 293 - Carrollton 2010
P. 293
Carolina Joy Natalia Juncadella Carla Lafaurie-Galvis Teresita Ledo
Read every book known Be the next Matisse Get a restraining order Stay skinny for the rest
to man from Nick Jonas of her life
W m
Alexandra Martinez Sofia Maspons Elizabeth Masson Marie McGrath
Be caught looking at Get married in ro|lerblades Shoot an endangered Marry Andy Sandberg
herself in the mirror and a blanket species
Thais Menendez Jessica Milton Amberly Nardo Lia Nies
Start her own newspaper Salsa her way into End up on Broadway Compose a symphony
and write all the stories someone's heart
Kristin O'Hara Mariana O'Naghten Carolina Palacios Emily Parr
Not like her most likely Age by laughing Sail her way around the Become the next Stevie
to world Wonder
Sarah Pines Andrea Rabassa Katrina Rodriguez Annasofia Roig-Novo
Be a judge on So You Solve for Pi Stalk an Elite model Bend it like Beckham
Ihink You Can Dance