Page 342 - Carrollton 2010
P. 342

(Dear Sr. Cooke,  TacuCty, S ta ff andJAdminstration,

                                                                 We would [ik§ to name each and everyone
                                                            who has touched our Cives at CarroCCton,  however,
                                                            knowing that naming each o f you wiCC exceed more
                                                            than our Cimit, we are thanhfuC to aCC o f you for
                                                            the fifteen years o f our Cives spent in our second
                                                            home,  that we come to know as,  CarroCCton.  You
                                                            have 6uiCt a foundation within us as women o f the
                                                            Sacred JCeart and have fostered in us strong vaCues
                                                            which wiCCheCp us continue to grow as we move on
                                                            toward our future.

                                                                 JLnd to our parents: Yhantfyoufor the Cove
                                                            and support you have given us.  We hope to have
                                                            made you proud.

                                                                            'With Cove,
                                                                           SfeCCie-(Estefama (Barcia  ’08 and
                                                                           jAndrea Natasha (Barcia  ‘10

         A hundred years from now it will not matter what
        my bank account was, the sort of house i lived in, or
       the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different
           because I was important in the life of a child.
                        - Forest Witcraft

                      Mi Reina y mi Nene,
             W e love you and are very proud of you.

                          Mimi y Papi

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