Page 188 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 188

Hope for the New Year By Kaitlin Johnson '24
"May each one o f us make sure that [2021 ] be for everyone
a year of fraternal solidarity and peace, a year filled with expectant trust and hope, which we entrust to the heavenly protection of Mary, Mother of God and our Mother," said Pope Francis before the Angelus address on the Solemnity of the Mary, January I st.
As a Sacred Heart family, we are brought together in our hope for the new year. O n the first day o f the new year, Christians celebrate the Feast o f the Solemnity o f the Mother of God. She inspires us to "make all things new," just as Jesus does.
In fact, depictions o f Mary based on the original Mater Admirabilis painting by Pauline Perdreau are prominently featured in Sacred Heart schools across the world. A symbol of our Sacred Heart family, it captures the hearts of all, and welcomes us home.
While 2 0 2 0 was a challenging year for all, keeping faith, hope, and love for 2021 is key to a successful year.
"In 2021,1am hopeful for everyone to come together, despite different beliefs, cultures, and opinions o f our time. Fortunately, with the pandemic this year, it has shown us that we must work together and protect each other, and I hope this sentiment will only grow in 2021," wrote Elly Molina ”23.
Francesca Suarez '21 wrote, "This new year, I am most hopeful for the ability to return to life as normal as possible, especially being able to share more moments with family and friends."
"I am hopeful that this year is not as chaotic, there's not as much division, and there's more love," wrote Madison Forrest '22.
Gabriela Paredes '21 wrote, “I am most hopeful for wrapping up my senior year and hopefully being able to have an in-person graduation with my classmates,"
"I am most hopeful that we all enter the new year with a positive mindset. I pray for the end o f this pandemic and having a strong faith in G od is the first step to making it there,” wrote Isabella Labrador '24.
This year, we are reminded to lead our lives with peace, love, and respect. Implementing these qualities into our lives wit! guide us through 2021.

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