Page 373 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 373

 G racie,
Your 3 years at El Jardin were absolutely beautiful. We watched you grow from a new student in 4th grade to the Treasurer of your class
in 6th grade. The ride was not only impressive but also extremely fun! You are a powerhouse of a young woman with an incredible heart. Keep excelling at school, family and friends. The sky is the limit for you Gracie Girl. Do good and stay focused on your path. You are a star. You are strong. You are ours.
W e adore you forever,
Mommy, Daddy, Tata (Angelina), Mom, Aba and Aria.
A n g ie ,
You are beautiful inside and out baby. W e are so proud
o f the responsible, hard-working, truth seeking, funny and all around amazing lover of life you grow into every day. It is impressive to watch you grow and always stay true to yourself Your family and friends are lucky to have you. Always remember who and where you come from and thatyou are IMMENSELY loved forever. Keep working hard and reaching your goals.
Love always.
Mommy, Daddy, Gracie, Mom, Aba and Aria

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