Page 374 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 374

C c c i c u u l I/U S
"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there." —Amy Li
The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. —Unknown
Cecilia and Ines congratulations on finishing 3rd and 8th grade. We couldn't be prouder o f the girls you are becoming: kind, thoughtful, adventurous, hard working, beautiful in the inside and out.
Big shout out to all of Cecilia and Ines teachers this year!
Thank you for all you do for them! In particular Mrs. Consuegra, Area, Connett, Wood and Horowitz we are going to miss you so much!
All our love,
Mami, Papi, Carlos and Cody

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