Page 376 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 376

Dear Carolina, Congratulations on your First Communion! We are so proud ofyou.
May God continue to bless you.
Mom, Dad, Gabriella & Alexandra
Class o f'32
Dear Gina,
In a school year that started full o f unknowns,
we placed our trust in God and believed that your school,
your principal, and your teachers w ould take all steps necessary to keep you as safe as possible. As it turned out,
you had an amazing year as a Ist grader.
It was a year that introduced wonderful teachers, sweet new friends, and a deeper bond with a school that has become a home.
May God always hold you in the palm of His hand. We love you very much.
Daddy, Mommy, Abuela, Daniel, Andrew, and Ralphie

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