Page 37 - Carrollton 1997
P. 37

Elyse MacNamara and Isabel Orbon help each other study.


                                                         The beginning o f an

                                                  inspirational education

                                                Carrollton’s  Primary  pro­       anim als,  tim e,  fraction s,  [I
                                             gram  introduces  the  young  money,  division, and multipli-1
                                             students to the world of learn­      cation.
                                             ing.  The program is designed           In  the  Primary  School,  a
                                             so  that  the  girls  are  exposed  strong  intellectual  foundation
                                             to  the  experience  of working  along  with  spiritual  growth  is
                                             together.  The  girls  are  also  an  important  goal.  The  stuJ
                                             able  to  express  their  unique  dents  are  taught  that  each
                                             p erso n a lities    by    bein g  child is a beautiful creation of  :
                                             allowed  to  learn  at their  own  God’s  love  and  that  they  are  I
                                             pace  in  an  environment  free  surrounded by the  many gifts  I
                                             from  competition.  The  pro­        that  H e  has  given   them .  !
                                             gram promotes well-rounded­          These teachings take place in
                                             ness  even  in  the  early  stages  their  daily  prayers  and  reli­
                                             of  the  students’  lives.  They  gious  classes.  Primary  stu- j
                                             are  taught  Language  Arts,         dents start to develop a sense  ;
                                             M athem atics,  G eograph y,         of  community  through  their J
                                             Science,  and  different  practi­    interaction  with  one  another.  (
                                             cal  aspects  of  life.  In  English  They are taught to  share and  J
                                             classes,  the  girls  write  their  respect  each  other  and  to j
                                             ow n  crea tive  stories  and  give to those that are less fo r-;
                                             strive  to  use  clear  and  inter­  tunate.  The  knowledge  that
                                             esting  sentences.  In  Science  they gain encourages them to
                                             and  Math  classes,  students  learn and sets the  foundation
                                             learn  about  the  weather,  the  to  the  beginning  of  an  inspi­
                                             human  body,  matter,  plants,       rational education.

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