Page 8 - Raynes Park Vale v VCD Athletic TEST
P. 8



          aynes Park Vale FC was formed in  cuts, a national review into modernising
      R1995 following the merger of Raynes  the  UK's  railways.  Southern  Railways
      Park and Malden Vale (formed 1967).   1950's home kit was Gold and Green
                                            quarters, the company colours. Raynes
      Southern Railway Football Section
      - Raynes Park FC  - 1928 to 1995      Park  FC home  shirt colours  were  Red
                                            and Black stripes (similar to AC Milan).
      Raynes Park FC used to be based at Taun- Another home kit was light blue shirts
      ton Avenue, SW20 at the Raynes Park  and  white shorts.  Raynes  Park  FC  ran
      Recreation Ground until the 1995/96  five senior teams on Saturday's. The 1st
      merger. Raynes Park FC originally was  and 2nd XI's played in the Surrey Pre-
      the Southern Railways Football Sec- mier League. The 3rd team played in
      tion (formed 1928) and were known as  the Surrey South Eastern Combination
      Southern Railway until they changed  while the 4ths and 5ths played in the
      name to Raynes Park FC in 1964. The  Kingston & District League. They also
      Southern Railway Team was a victim of  ran an over 35's team and youth teams
      the notorious 1963 Beeching spending  aged 14 to 18.
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