Page 7 - S11 I Feel Capable
P. 7
At the end of each day, look at each of the cards below. Decide how well your needs were
met today.
The need was met brilliantly.
The need was met ok, but it could have been better.
The need was not met well – it was a problem for me.
Do I feel good about my strengths and ok about
Do I feel capable? Can I keep going when I get stuck?
any difficulties?
If not, what could help me? Could I ask for more Do I feel I can manage when I get stuck? Could I Am I making the most of my strengths each
support? Some extra teaching? A piece of try working with someone to create a checklist day? What could I do to use them more? Have I
equipment to help? of things to help when I get stuck? got things to help me with difficulties?
For any amber or red cards, think what would help improve this for next time. If you are not sure, ask
someone you have a good connection with to help you plan.