Page 3 - Course 2 Brain Needs Series_Neat
P. 3

Key Messages: Brain Needs

         1. We all have physical, emotional and cognitive (learning) needs.

         2. We can divide physical needs into basic physical and sensory needs.

         3. We have emotional needs related to the people around us (People Around

              Us’ needs) and emotional needs linked to where we are going and what we

              are doing (‘World Around Us’ needs).

         4. We can summarise our physical and emotional needs as our ‘5C Needs’.

         5. We do not all have the same needs: some people have bigger or smaller

              needs than others. We call this our ‘cups of need’.

         6. Knowing our needs gives us a better chance of meeting them well: it means

              we can prepare ahead of time and let others know our needs. It also helps

              us to work out the ‘why’ when things go wrong.
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