Page 52 - Course 2 Brain Needs Series_Neat
P. 52

We can use Brain Needs to feel and do better by:

     1. Getting to know our own unique needs so we can:

     a.     Prep4Best: notice what we need to feel good so we can prepare ahead of time (pre-

            mortem, not post-mortem).

     b.     Be a self-advocate: let others know what we need to be at our brain best (rather than

            ending up with unmet needs, feeling powerless and getting into ‘Powerless Positions’

            and ‘Prickle Habits’ – see Neurobiology course).

     c.     Solve specific problems: when things have not gone well, using Brain Needs to work

            out what was not ok for us so we can plan for it to go better next time.

     d.     Feel good generally in life (have a good overall ‘Balance’ (see neurobiology course):

            if we are not feeling so good, work out which needs are not met well so we can do
            something about it and start to feel better.

     2. Getting to know other people’s needs so we can:

     a.     Become more socially intelligent and help others to feel good and do well.

     b.     Create group well-being: make sure our own needs are met in ways that are: ‘Good

            for me, good for you, good for everyone’.
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