Page 17 - EA HANDBOOK Part 1 Building the Foundations 2024 2025 with videos
P. 17

Key Messages: Shifting Mindset

            The traditional behaviourist approach relies on the child having sufficient
            desire for the reward and fear of the punishment.                                                                                 1

             2                 It also needs the reward or punishment to remain at the forefront of the
                               child’s mind.

            The behaviourist approach assumes the child has the skills to manage in
            the moment; it assumes their difficulty is a matter of‘will not skill’.                                                           3

                               Using‘carrots’and‘sticks’can seem effective in the short-term, but it does
             4                 not address unmet needs and missing skills and thus secure long-term,

                               sustainable improvement. Children’s difficulties can keep ‘popping back up’.

           Expectations of children can still be kept high in a therapeutically and
           neurodiversity-informed approach.  We can be ‘insistent, persistent,                                                               5

           consistent, with a bucketful of kindness’.
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