Page 98 - EA HANDBOOK Part 1 Building the Foundations 2024 2025 with videos
P. 98

Types of Strength: help children to know, use and maximise their strengths

   It is hard for anyone to feel capable if they are not       1. Focus on altering tasks to make use of strengths wherever possible e,g, presenting
   using their strengths on a regular basis.                   through video rather than writing.

                                                               2. Support children in discovering their strengths. Then teach them to self-advocate

   For children who struggle in areas that form most           so they become great at knowing how a task could be adapted to use their strengths

   of the school or college day (e.g. reading & writing),      and let people know.

   it is even more essential to shine a light on their         3. Celebrate the range of strengths across the ten areas of cognition shown above.
   strengths and make sure these are used daily.               Take a Strength-based approach to all situations: e.g. rigidity is helpful in some

                                                               contexts – even if it is unhelpful in others.
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