Page 82 - MOSP schools INSET for flipbook_Neat
P. 82
Brain Control Answers
1. The brain develops from back to front with the pre-frontal cortex being
the last part to develop.
2. Executive Function Skills are an important set of skills which are
developed in the pre-frontal cortex.
3. They are very important since they act like the control centre of
the brain. A bit like air traffic control or a conductor, they make
sure everything runs smoothly.
4. Six Executive Function Skills that are widely recognised by psychologists
are: Working Memory, Processing Speed, Flexible Thinking, Attention
Control, Impulse Control and Emotional & Energy Regulation.
5. When someone has strong Executive Function Skills, they are able to
learn and play well. They engage with learning and focus on the right
things to get a task done well. They get on with other people, see
different points of view, are able to compromise and can adapt to
change well. They manage challenges calmly and can change their
energy to suit the situation and task.