Page 2 - NAAM 2022 Empowering children to be at their best in relationships K Messenger
P. 2

Key messages:

    A. We can support children and young people in their relationships by helping them to understand
            their own brain and body and how other people may be different to them.

    1.      Knowing and understanding themselves is the first step to feeling good about themselves.

             ➢      Knowing themselves includes understanding their physical, sensory, emotional and cognitive needs.

             ➢      It also involves understanding their strengths and differences in Executive Function Skills.

    ▪       By knowing their needs and skills, they are equipped with the knowledge to:

             ➢      Prepare ahead of time to make sure their needs are met well and stressors are as low as possible

             ➢      Let other people know what they need

             ➢      Let other people understand their needs and skills too so they are given understanding and the things

                    they say and do are not misinterpreted.

    2. Understanding how others may be different helps children with the knowledge to find ways for

          EVERYONE’S needs to be met well.

    B.       It is also important to help children understand about stress and how it works puts them in a

            good position to work at reducing it well so they can manage the stressors that daily life brings.
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