Page 30 - NAAM 2022 Empowering children to be at their best in relationships K Messenger
P. 30

Stress Balloon Check

               CONTENT & CALM                               POSITIVE STRESS                            TOLERABLE STRESS                                 TOXIC STRESS

           Feel good chemicals released                Temporary and mild increase in              Significant increase in stress               Stress response system activated
           into the body through positive              stress hormones. E.g. a new                 hormones yet buffered by                     for too long. Not enough
           experiences e.g. good                       experience, a challenging task,             supportive network of family,                protection to act as buffers. E.g.
           connections or success in tasks.            an exam or an interview.                    friends and colleagues. E.g.                 ongoing violence or neglect.
           Leads to repair to the body                 Leads to resilience,                        death of a loved one or serious              Leads to long term health

           and greater resilience in                   confidence & good coping                    incident.                                    issues & Executive Function
           times of stress.                            skills.                                     Leads to adaptation &                        Skill difficulties.
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