Page 14 - Unit 5 Brain Needs: Understanding Physical Needs & Stressors
P. 14
Individuals with neurodiverse profiles such as ADHD Children with proprioception or vestibular sensory Over responsiveness to smell
commonly have huge and genuine difficulty focusing difficulties need greater or lesser movement and is often overlooked yet can
attention on one thing for a sustained period. They pressure on their bodies. Classrooms with little cause significant issues for
learn best when tasks have novelty, challenge and movement or practical, tactile activities can pose some children.
purpose. big problems for these children – they can be ▪ As with all sensory processing
▪ Provide opportunities for children to reflect & discuss what physically uncomfortable and raise stress issues, the key to supporting
sustains their interest – hold open discussions about it. chemicals. children is increasing their own
▪ Reduce waiting times and, for those unavoidable ones at the ▪ Introduce a daily run, aerobics or cycle each day. awareness of the impact of
bus stop or lining up in school, provide quick, motivating ▪ In school, incorporate movement as much as possible smell on their well-being.
tasks which can fill a spare minute e.g. Creative Generation within & between each lesson. ▪ In schools, leaders should
(Name as many things a brick could be used for); Forced ▪ Trial a standing desk for homework. For schools, reflect on positioning of cleaning
Connections; ‘Point of view’ (pick a card and discuss introduce some standing desks for children to use. rooms, toilets etc. when
statement with person next to you). ▪ Provide sensory cushions/alternative seating which planning classroom layout.
▪ Plan active participation for children in tasks – when provide body feedback (see sensory equipment doc). ▪ Use fragrant-free cleaning
cooking, shopping or cleaning, let them choose a specific ▪ Provide chair fidget straps, sensory cushions and products and neutralising rather
role. alternative seating which provide good body feedback than fragrant air fresheners –
▪ In school, make sure each part of the lesson has things to for children who find it difficult to keep still (see too often, air fresheners which
do, not just listening. Use whiteboards, plenty of Think, Pair, sensory equipment document). pump out fragrance are used in
Share, discussion and voting. ▪ Provide fiddle toys – sensory putty and squeezable toys toilets which can be
▪ Make lessons practical & game based. When planning, think are good as they do not disrupt others. overwhelming for children.
“What’s in this for the neurodivergent children?” ▪ Provide weighted cushions and vests. ▪ In school, allow children with
▪ In school/for homework, ensure tasks are purposeful. A ▪ Weighted rucksacks can help some children – let Sensory Processing to eat meals
genuine reason for learning can transform the motivation a children experiment & find what works for them. away from the main school
child feels for a task. For writing tasks, provide a genuine ▪ Some children benefit from a sensory trail at regular dinner hall. In homes, talk to
audience; in maths, make challenges relevant & real. times during the day. children about their experience
▪ In school, provide an element of open-ended, problem- ▪ Ensure children know the purpose of sensory of smells and what could
solving in every lesson. equipment and the science behind it. improve things for them.