Page 61 - Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills 2023
P. 61
No 2: Thinking Speed
What is Thinking Speed?
Thinking Speed is how fast you can take in information you have heard
or seen, make sense of it and then react.
Thinking Speed makes a difference to how quickly we can reply to a
question; how fast we can read or how quickly we can finish a task.
Here’s a mind map to explain Thinking Speed more:
Fast Thinking Speed makes it easier to …
Read and take in information Answer quickfire questions
Finish a task to a good standard Follow instructions
Work out mental calculations in the Make sense and respond to what
time given someone has said
Thinking Speed
How quickly you can make sense of information. YES
How quickly you can respond to information. NO
Do a task in the right order Make a decision
Write things down Follow a process correctly
Complete a task in the expected time React with my body e.g. catching a ball