Page 6 - Strength Cards Flipbook 2023
P. 6

How to Use the Strength Cards

       3. Gather the views of people you trust

       Show the cards to different people you trust.

       Ask them to pick out which cards they feel are your strengths.

       Ask the person to give examples of when they have seen or heard

       you show these strengths – this is important – you need to have
       evidence so that your brain believes it.

       Ask them to write the examples on post-its and add to the pages of
       your Strengths Journal.

       4. Strength Goals: Extend Your Strengths

       Look through the cards and choose two or

       three that are not your strengths yet but you want them to be.

       Put these somewhere you will look at every day. At the start of the

       day, think through some ways you could practise these strengths.

       Just keeping them higher in your consciousness will help.

       Ask a trusted adult to help you create a plan of other actions which
       will help you improve your Strength Goals
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