Page 4 - Ioannis & Clare Flipbook 1
P. 4
▪ I introduced the 5C needs – a summary of what the brain needs to be at its best.
▪ I noted what happens when needs are met – hormones are released into our system that help us to
feel good.
▪ I introduced the ‘DOSE’ – our model to represent the chemicals released into the body when needs
are met well – Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins.
▪ I noted how the brain seeks its DOSE - however it can get it – helpful or unhelpful.
▪ All adults need to help Ioannis fill any gaps in his 5C needs and get his ‘Daily DOSE’ in helpful ways.
▪ I noted how the stress or good chemicals in a child’s system and how well their needs are met over
time makes a difference to how they perceive situations and expect things to go. When people have
positive experiences in which they feel connected, that they count, capable and have a sense of
control over their life, they start to expect things to go well. They wear yellow lenses and feel
positive. When their needs are not met so well, they start to feel less connected, less that they count,
less capable and have a poorer sense of control over their life. They start to expect things to not go
so well and wear blue lenses- they react more easily to stressors.
▪ I introduced our Strength Based Approach to Executive Function Skills and animals to represent each.
These represent the brain’s clever adaptations to stress – to become impulsive, emotional, rigid etc.