P. 45

Summarising Our Big 5C Needs

       Comfortable Connected                                       Count                     Capable                           Control

       I have sufficient sleep     I feel people like and    I feel I count around     I feel I can do what I’m       I have autonomy and can make
       to feel energized for the   care about me.            here.                     being asked to do and am       decisions related to my work
       day.                                                                            given supports and help for  without feeling I have to check
                                   I feel connected to       I don’t feel the          things I find hard.            in about the small stuff.
       I eat regularly and well.   others. I feel people     underdog in any way.
                                   respect and value me.     I feel I am as            I have lots of opportunity     I am trusted to make decisions,
       I hydrate throughout        I feel a sense of         important as other        for showing my strengths.      knowing as a professional I will
       the day.                    connection to adults,     people.                   It helps me to feel capable.   put the interests of the school
                                   my peers and to the       I am given                I feel I am doing well and     and pupils first.
       I am free of pain.          school as a whole.        responsibilities and      making progress. I get         I know what it expected of me.
                                                             feel trusted.             feedback which is honest       ‘What makes great’ is brought
       I exercise and feel         I feel I belong and                                 and based on real evidence     alive so I’m clear about what to
       physically healthy.         people accept and like    I feel my voice is as     - so I know it’s true. I am    aim for.
                                   me for who I am.          important as other        helped to track my
       The temperature, light                                people’s.                 progress.                      This ‘What makes great’ being
       and sound levels are ok     I feel a sense of                                                                  brought alive also means I can
       for me around here.         belonging with my         I feel listened to – my   I don’t feel I’m ‘doing work   compare my own practice to
                                   group of friends, class   opinion and ideas         for the teachers’ – I feel it’s   what I’m aiming for. This
       I feel physically           and school. I don’t       count.                    for me to learn, grow and      means I can evaluate my own
       comfortable.                feel an outsider.                                   improve.                       practice easily and seek
                                                             I feel informed about
                                   I feel people are on      important changes         The use of coaching helps      support for areas in which I
                                   my side – even when       that will affect me.      me to feel supported on an     need to improve. I’m in control
                                   I don’t manage as well                              ongoing basis for things I     of my own practice.
                                   as others or make         I feel an important       find harder – I’m not just     Communication is good so I
                                   mistakes.                 part of the school as a   punished for it.               know what is coming up and
                                                             whole. When I don’t,
                                   I know adults will        adults help me plan       I have opportunities for       what to expect. I have
                                   support me – no           ways to improve this.     working with my peers so I     certainty about what is
                                   matter what.                                        don’t feel isolated.           expected of me and what to
                                                                                                                      expect each day.
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