Page 112 - EA Handbook Building the Foundations with video
P. 112

Key Messages: Executive Function

            ▪ Executive Function Skills are critical to success in and outside of school.
            ▪ They do not finish developing until around 25 years of age.                                                                     1
            ▪ Executive Function Skills are nearly always the issue when a child is struggling.

                            Some  neurotypes  are  naturally  weaker  in  some  Executive  Function  Skills,  whilst
             2              stronger in other areas of cognition. This is just the way their brain works.

                            Big differences between strengths and difficulties is known as a ‘Spiky Profile’.

             When a person has weaker Executive Functioning, it is harder for them to hold and

             process  instructions,  focus  attention,  be  flexible,  manage  impulses  and  regulate                                        3
             emotions - however much they desired and promised to do well.

             4               Punishing  a  child  for  their  words  or  actions  that  arose  due  to  weak  Executive
                             Functioning will not improve their skills. It is likely to exacerbate their problems.

             We  can  help  children  build  their  Executive  Function  Skills  through  teaching,

             rehearsal and practice. Some children will also need help in finding scaffolds and                                               5

             strategies to support weaker Executive Functioning.
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