Page 125 - EA Handbook Building the Foundations with video
P. 125

Key Messages: Brain Shaping

            ▪ Some children have naturally stronger skills in Executive Functioning. Others have
                naturally weaker skills.                                                                                                      1
            ▪ This is simply the diversity of the human brain – also known as ‘neurodiversity’.

                            Positive and enriching experiences support good neural growth.
             2              That  means  children  who  enjoy  strong,  positive  experiences  will  build  stronger

                            connections in their brain and their Executive Functioning will develop well.

             Difficult or traumatic experiences cause the brain to focus its energy on survival.

             This  inhibits  the  neural  building  of  Executive  Functioning.  Children  who  suffer                                        3
             adverse experiences are likely to have poorer Executive Functioning.

             4               We can help children build stronger skills through ensuring they have a wide range of
                             positive and enriching experiences. Some children may need extra to narrow the gap.

             We can also bridge the gap through the building of strong, positive relationships.

             Explicit teaching of Executive Skills as well as plentiful rehearsal and practice can                                            5

             also build stronger neural circuitry, and in turn, skills in Executive Functioning.
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