Page 31 - Course 3 Neurobiology Part 4 Brain Shaping
P. 31
What should I practise now?
1 Teach everyone why some children struggle more than others. Teach them the ‘Balance of Life’
model and what can make us more vulnerable to stressors. Teach children how this makes a
difference to how we manage in school and at home.
Teach children about neurodiversity and how brains are not all the same which means some
children will find living in a neurotypical world harder than others .
Teaching all of this to children will make it easier for children to be empathic when a child is
struggling. It will also help children to support their peers more effectively. When other children do
not understand, it can lead them to be scared of the child. It also causes children to become
labelled negatively and leads to the emergence of negative self-concepts in children who struggle.
2 Make sure children who are struggling do not feel blamed, bad or stupid. Explain that there are
genuine reasons why they are struggling – they are not bad – but it is really important they work
with adults to improve their balance so they can manage better (high expectations, high support).
3 Use the language of helpful/unhelpful & finding it easy/difficult – not choices or ‘bad’ behaviour.
4 When children are struggling, re-shift their Balance of Life - work with them to plan helpful ways
to fill their 5C Needs and set a Pathway to Independence. Plan with children rather than doing to
so they learn tools to make positive changes independently when things aren’t going so well.