Page 4 - Course 3 Neurobiology Part 4 Brain Shaping
P. 4

Key Messages: Brain Shaping

        1. The threat response is designed to be a temporary change.

        2. If the threat response is activated too often due to ongoing adverse

             experiences, the stress chemicals can stay permanently on high.

        3. Frequent activation of the stress response can also occur for neurodifference

             brains navigating a neurotypical world.

        4. When stress chemicals are set permanently on high, the person’s ‘balance’

             is skewed towards vulnerability – it is much harder to manage any extra

             stressors that come along.

        5. This means the person is more likely to react more intensely to smaller
             problems or challenges.

        6. High stress chemical levels and low DOSE changes how a person sees the

             world - we call this their ‘colour lenses’ - they may enter situations feeling

             defensive and on high alert.
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