Page 28 - Houndsdown Testwood Core Lead Team Slides Day 1
P. 28

Coaching Sequence: a structure for staying persistent & consistent

        “               High expectations,

                              high support

                                                                                                                                  6. Bespoke Provision

                                                                                                      5. Coaching Programme      Team meeting of SLT, SENDCO, HoY and
                                                                                                                                 Team meeting of SENDCO, HoY or HoH
                                                                                                                                 any relevant external professionals to scope
                                                                                                                                 and any relevant external professionals
                                                                                                                                 then with child and parent / carer to plan.
                                                                                                                                   to scope possibilities. If at home,
                                                                                                        Pre-scheduled following Coaching Plan
                                                                                4. Coaching Plan      30 – 40 minutes pre-scheduled then 2, 4 or   social worker and relevant external
                                                                                                         meeting. 30 + minutes at least twice,
                                                                                                      6 stepped programme at least twice a week   professionals.
                                                                                                            ideally three times a week.
                                                                                                      with specialist practitioner. Parent / carer to   Once available options known,  session
                                                                                                        An initial 2-week programme and then
                                                       3. Coaching Time       45 minutes pre-scheduled with HoY or   attend at end of final session.  with child and parent / carer to plan.
                                                                              45 minutes pre-scheduled. In school
                                                                                                        stepped if required to a 4-week then 6-
                                                                              HoD & SEND/Pastoral & parent/carer.
                                                                             context would be with Pastoral Lead and   week programme.
                                                                              Focus to plan goals, a Pathway to
                                  2. Coaching        30-45 minutes to look in detail at   HoY or HoH and parent/carer/key worker.   Delivered by Specialist Practitioner in
                                                                              Independence and action to reach the
                                                      20-30 minutes to look in more detail
                                                                              Focus to prioritise and plan goals and
                                 Conversation        strengths and barriers. To take place   scope a Pathway to Independence along   school or parent/carer/coach in the home
                                                        at strengths and barriers. To be
                                                        scheduled  and take place with
          1. Coaching         5-10 minutes with the adult who was   separate from the event with adult at   with action to reach goals.
                                                     scene & HoY or HoD.
                                                       adult present at scene and HoH or
                               5 – 10 minutes with the adult
            Prompt            present at scene; to take place at a   HoD in school context.
                                 present at the time.
                              separate time from the event itself.  Parent/carer to attend for last 5
                              To take place at a separate time
     Less than a minute to help the child
     A quick minute or two with adult at   from the actual event so that   minutes to discuss ways to practise
                                                              at home.
      get back on track with the current
     scene focused on what could help to get   expectations kept high.
                                                         “                   with a bucketful of kindness.
     back on track.
      task, whether at home or school, in
            a way that is:
     ‘Good for me, good for you, good for
             everyone’                                                   Insistent, persistent, consistent,
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