Page 14 - S8 I feel comfortable Part 2 Sensory Needs
P. 14
Adults support me
in exploring my
sensory needs so I
can plan the right
scaffolds and
I have aids to I am given the
support my chance to move
proprioception enough to
needs e.g. chair support my
bands, theraputty, proprioceptive
weighted cushion needs
Expectations on
Sessions have clothing or uniform
sufficiently active are flexible to
and stimulating I feel sensory
elements to meet accomodate my
my attention needs skin sensitivity
when …
I am given the
chance to work on I am supported to
reduce my screen
individual tasks in time in a way I keep
an environment a sense of control
that reduces over things
I am helped to I am helped to
ensure the light ensure the noise
levels are ok for levels are ok for
me. I may need aids me. I may need aids
such as filtered to reduce noise
lenses from the levels such as ear
optician buds