Page 9 - Positive Positions_Neat
P. 9

The Challenger

     The Challenger positively challenges something they don’t feel ok about.

     They provide clear evidence, say what impact it has and what they’d like to

     be different/what would be better.

     If you are challenging, you might hear yourself saying:

          What didn’t work so                                                    When I’m told about absences just

           well for me was ….                                                       before the start of the day, I ….

         When I heard people                                                                              I think “Oh no, I’m
             say … I thought                                                                              never going to get

                                                                                                              this all done!”

         The impact for me is                                                                              I then get anxious

                                                                                                             and can’t sleep.

        What I would prefer next                                                What I would like is to have at least
                    time is ….                                                      3 nights to complete the work.

                                                                                            Adapted by K Messenger from The Drama Triangle by S Karpman.
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