Page 38 - P Burgess Half Day INSET Nov 2024
P. 38

In summary, when needs are not met well, we may:

     1                                                  2                                                    3

  The stress response is activated                     The stress response is activated                   The person’s brain seeks ways
  (we refer to this as Danger Brain).  (we refer to this as Danger Brain).                                to ‘fill the gap’ of unmet needs.

  The person has the skills to                         The person does not  yet have                      The person does not  yet have

  tolerate the unpleasant                              the skills to tolerate the                         the skills to hold the urge.
  feeling in ways that are helpful                     unpleasant feeling.

  to them and others.                                                                                     They may then fill that need in
                                                       They fight, flight, flock, fawn,                   ways that are unhelpful to them
  If the brain seeks to fill that need                 freeze or flop.                                    or others.
  in unhelpful ways, they have the

  skills to hold the urge and seek
  more helpful ways.
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