Page 3 - Teach Not Preach: A Strength Based Approach to Executive Function Skills
P. 3
About this book
When children struggle at home or in school, research has clearly shown that,
in almost all cases, there are issues with one or more of an important set of
skills known as ‘Executive Function Skills’.
Despite this, many parents, and even professionals working with children,
have often received very little training in what these skills are and how to
help children. Moreover, too often, information and even assessment focuses
only on difficulties in Executive Function Skills, without shining a light on a
child’s corresponding strengths or the clever adaptations the brain has made
to compensate for any difficulties.
This book aims to address this gap and help parents, carers and professionals
gain a solid understanding of these vital skills and feel confident in supporting
children in improving them. It also provides a fresh perspective and
redresses the current deficit model and emphasis on difficulties by providing a
strength-based approach to Executive Function Skills.
Although the book is designed for an adult audience, it is written in child-
accessible language. This is so the reader can use the information and
models easily without the need to translate and adapt for a younger
We hope you find this book useful. Please feel free to get in touch if you have
any questions about anything contained in it. Our contact details are on the
final page.