Page 18 - Prep4Best Empower Tool
P. 18

We are Working in Groups. Let’s Prep4Best!

           I get worried about whether people think I’m

             ok. It would help me if I could be in a group
                  with at least one person I feel likes me.

          I find it hard to be Flexi Fox. It would help me

        to pick cards to decide who is going to have the
                                        different jobs.

        I can find listening to others tricky. It helps

        me to take turns when we use a timer and a

                                     listening stick.

          I can find it hard when things do not go my

         way. I will need to practice my breathing if I

             get disappointed and use my Speak Up 4

                                        Better card.

                                                                                                         Adapted by K Messenger from Clean Feedback Model (
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