Page 7 - Strength Based Approach to Executive Function Skills
P. 7

How the Brain Develops: Part 2

            Neurons: the amazing brain cell

            Our brain is made up of lots of

            cells called neurons.

             Neurons are shaped a bit like a tree,

             with a main trunk (the axon)

             and branches (called dendrites).

              Neural Firing: the brain’s postal system

                                                                                                Whenever we think, do or

                                                                                                say anything, neurons

                                                                                                pass information to each

                                                                                                other through an

                                                                                                electrical signal.

              It’s a bit like a letter in the post – information starts in one

              place and travels to another.

             When a neuron fires an electrical signal, it travels down

             the trunk of the neuron and releases special brain

             chemicals called ‘neurotransmitters’.

             These brain chemicals and the ‘branches’ of the neuron

             help the signal to travel across a gap (called the synapse)

             to the next neuron.

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