Page 50 - Course 3 Neurobiology Part 3 Signs of Stress
P. 50

Unit 8: Signs of Stress Answers

      6. Stress responses:

          Mobilizing: fight, flight, fawn, flock, find

          Immobilizing: freeze, flop

          See slides in presentations to check descriptions.

      7. Tiny and huge examples of stress responses:

        STRESS RESPONSE                         SMALL                                            HUGE

        Fight                                   Pulls a face                                     Punches

        Flight                                  Looks away                                       Runs away

        Fawn                                    Agrees to play a game they don’t really want     Does anything the person asks them to do –
                                                to do                                            whether it is ok for them or not.
        Flock                                   Giggles with others at a time it is not          Criminal gang behaviour

        Find                                    Keeps looking back at attachment figure for      Clings on to attachment figure

        Freeze                                  Stops what they are doing and cannot think       Refuses to do that task at all – seems absolutely
                                                what to do next                                  stuck
        Flop                                    Opts to watch TV instead of going to             Stays in room gaming and only leaves to get food
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