Page 2 - Infographics Units 1 to 5
P. 2

What is the key information to remember from this unit?

                                                                                                                     There are six main Executive Function Skills

        Working                                        Thinking                                             Flexible                                       Attention                                         Impulse                                            & Energy
        Memory                                         Speed                                                Thinking                                       Control                                           Control

     1   Executive Function Skills are a bit                                                                               2   Connections between di erent areas                                                     3  Executive Function Skills do not finish developing
         like the control centre of the brain:                                                                                 of the brain are not as strong and                                                        until around 25 years of age.
         they help us to get things done                                                                                       fast in children and young people.                                                        This means it is harder for children to focus attention,

         and get on with others.                                                                                                                                                                     25                  be flexible, manage impulses and take control of
                                                                                                                               This means children can                                                                   their energy and feelings.

         Executive Function Skills are                                                                                         sometimes say and do unhelpful

         critical to success in and                                                                                            things before their Executive                                                          4   Executive Function Skills can be improved,
         outside of school and are                                                                                             Function skills have had a chance                                                          just like other skills.

         nearly always the issue when                                                                                          to kick in. The brain is not ‘making                                                      We can help children get better at these crucial
         a child is struggling.                                                                                                choices’ - it is reacting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         skills – it just takes lots of practice.

                              How can I apply this information into how I support children and what I say and do?

     1   Use the language of ease and di culty with children,                                      2   Give children lots of                            3   In practice, this means spending time with children                                       4   Help children improve
         rather than using the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ behaviour.                                       opportunity for rehearsal                            rehearsing likely scenarios ahead of time – Prep4Best!                                        their Executive Function Skills.
                                                                                                       so they can make good

                                                                                                       decisions automatically.                                                                                                                          First help them to learn what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         they are. Notice times when
                                                                                                       This will mean                                                                                                                                    they are stronger (Bright

                                                                                                       they do not                                                                                                                                       Spots). Use some

                                                                                                       have to rely                                                                        For example                                                   of our top tips in the
                                        For example                                                    on their                                              “You are with a group of friends. You have promised                                         Strength Based

           “You are finding it so much easier now to give up                                            Executive                                            to get home by 7:00 p.m. When you say you have to                                            Approach to
         a little bit of what you want so everyone in the group                                        Function skills at times                              leave, they try to persuade you to stay and call you                                        Executive Function

            feels good. That shows you are really improving                                            when emotions are high,                            a chicken. How would you like to respond? What would                                           Skills book
                your Flexible Thinking Skills. You are being                                           when these skills are                                feel comfortable to say so you keep to our agreement                                         to help them

            socially flexible! This is a great skill for teamwork.                                      likely to be compromised.                       but also feel ok amongst your friends and do not lose face?”                                      improve.

                                                                                            UNIT 2 Brain Control
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