Page 7 - I Feel Connected Animation
P. 7


     At the end of each day, look at each of the cards below. Decide how well your

     needs were met today.

                The need was met brilliantly.

                The need was met ok, but it could have been better.

                The need was not met well – it was a problem for me.


      Do I feel liked and supported by the adults /     Do I feel liked and supported by the children    Do I feel good as the person I am? Can I be my
      those in charge?                                  around me?                                       real self here?
                                                                                                         If not, what stops me from feeling ok about
      If not, what would need to happen for me to feel   If not, what would need to happen for me to feel   myself? What would I want to be different? Is that
      liked, supported and to build good connections    supported, respected and safe in their company?   to please others and feel I belong or because I
      with adults? What are the first steps?            What help do I need?
                                                                                                         would feel better about myself?

      For any amber or red cards, think what would help improve this for next time. If you are

      not sure, ask someone you have a good connection with to help you plan.
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