Page 45 - One Day INSET slides & videos to send
P. 45

There are different types of stress – not all is bad

           GROWTH STRESS                                   TOLERABLE STRESS                                       TOXIC STRESS

     ▪ Temporary and only mild increase in             ▪ Temporary serious stress causing stress  ▪ Serious stress activating the body’s
       stress hormone levels.                            hormones to be raised significantly in             stress response.
     ▪ Temporary increase in heart rate.                 the body.                                       ▪ Continuing over a period of time.
     ▪ Body’s stress levels return to normal           ▪ Tolerable because buffered by                   ▪ Not enough protection from
       following the event.                              supportive, caring adults & friends.               connections to act as buffers.

     ▪ E.g. an interview; an exam; starting a          ▪ E.g. death of a loved one; parental             ▪ E.g. seeing ongoing violence; ongoing
       new club; meeting new people;                     divorce; serious illness; an isolated              abuse, bullying or discrimination;
       moving to a new area; a challenging               traumatic experience e.g. car crash.               ongoing poverty-related stress.

     ▪ Leads to resilience, confidence &               ▪ Leads to adaptation &                           ▪ Leads to long-term mental &
       good coping skills.                                recovery.                                         physical health issues & Executive
                                                                                                            Function Skill difficulties.
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