Page 53 - One Day INSET slides & videos to send
P. 53

Alert & Quick
                   Rigid &                                Impulsive Quick

             Determined                                          Reactor                                               Switching

                                                                   I react quickly in

                                                           emergencies to keep myself
                                                                                                              I am alert to things going on
            I can stay firm to keep                                 and others safe.                                      around me.

            myself or others safe.                           I grab opportunities fast,
                                                                                                                I notice things to keep me
                                                                 before they are lost.
        I can stick to what I know is                                                                                  and others safe.

         the right thing to do, even                         I respond emotionally to                           I can switch my attention

              when something is                              create great art, music or                         quickly from one thing to
                     tempting.                                            stories.                                           another.
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